The one with the license.
The dominant partner in a female homo-
sexual relationship as opposed to beaver
or the beav
by ultra violet November 25, 2004
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A very dyke-ish lesbian. They usually dress in army pants and where mens boots and mens shirts. The butch lesbo is also characterized by a butch job haircut. Just like Howie Long's hair style on a woman.
My better half and I went to the County Fair yesterday. It must of been Lesbian Day at the County Fair. I have never seen so many Dyke-ish looking chicks before in my life. This one "lady", who was very butch, cut in front of my ass in the deep fried banana line. I said to her, "hey dyke bitch,your dyke ass just cut in front of me"! She proceeded to kick me in the nuts. Despite the pain I said to myself all bets are off and i dropped her with a nasty left hook. I dont normally hit women but this chick certainly deserved it.The cops came and fortunately arrested the dyke bitch who assaulted me !st......YIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone February 1, 2018
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Nasty lesbian females who greatly resemble males.
Eileen is a butch
by Drew May 7, 2004
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a alcohalic man who unforinitly is a piece of shit and dosnt no it. no one likes him even his family he is a volgure asshole that no one will ever associate them self with. he is willing to work for alcohal adn drinks so much that they are shit facede 24 hours a day 7 days a week and will have beer in hand for the whole day. he will also treat anyone he meets like shit and thinks it ok
by clelticsforlive December 13, 2009
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Steve: might pull a butch tonight to get home

Andrew: Don't do that bro, we'll get a cab
by Kieran McMaster June 9, 2009
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the ultimate next best thing, one is butch when they are smoking hot and excellent at everything they do. It can also be used to describe one's general feelings about an awesome experience as in a great night out. This word can also be used as a verb if you are talented enough.
(adj) Lyndsay that skirt is so hot, you're looking so butch right now....
(verb) I can't wait to butch the night up.
by ButchMasterK July 11, 2010
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a butch is a word used by a stupid bitch called imogen who doesnt have a life. it typically describes her own personality.
similar words: dick head, bitch , cow. such a butch vinnie. and everyone knows it. and milly is also a butch. what a cow!!!
by joke.con December 16, 2019
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