A ugly whore who thinks she's 'hard ' but actually just follows boys around , she is also very lanky and has a pigs nose. Doesn't say stuff to your face says it behind your back , shows off a lot also is a slag, whore, dirty dog
She is a dog.

Yeah just like Beatrice
by Zuella April 16, 2016
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Someone that thinks they look beautiful, but actually looks like they were beat with a bag of rice.
Look at Beatrice over there. She fancy.
by ToYouuu July 5, 2020
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The most beautiful freewheeling, secret, ass-kicking nun.
Passionate lover of Ava Silva.
Mother Superion: ''where is Ava, she is supposed to be training?''
Sister Camila: ''she's with Sister Beatrice, but I don't think they're training''
by YazzHands December 17, 2022
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A religious mormon writer and youth counselor, who has written several books which are meant to be "TRUE STORIES" however, none of them are real. She gained controversy in 1971 by writing her book: "Go Ask Alice" which was supposedly about a teenage girl taking drugs when in all probability was fabricated by this woman to alert people about the dangers of drugs.

Since the 1990s, critics have stopped giving a toss about her writing career, and she's still desperately out for attention.
"What do you mean this story isn't real? It says on the front cover: A TRUE STORY! Ohhh... wait it's made by Beatrice Sparks."
by SubjectiveBritishGuy December 18, 2011
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A very sassy girl and a bit mean at times,horrible to her friends,always causing arguments,thinks she is fit but she is so ugly
Friend:beatrice don't tell me what to do

Beatrice:do it or I will slap you

Person:you know that person beatrice she is so sassy

by Chinnu September 16, 2017
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Bunch of reject art students that are too busy giving head in the washrooms than actually learning, think that they’re top shit but no one cares about them
-Bro I heard that they go to Beatrice Desloges!

-Yeah I could tell from their shitty dyed hair and shitty clothes
by Moco_Sp October 1, 2019
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An intense rough massage mostly given after a hard game, most notably by Beatrice "The Fireant" Middleton.
Morris: "That was a rough game. I'm exhausted."

Beatrice: "Well, would you like a massage to help you relax?"

Morris: "No thanks! I'm not ready for a Beatrice Beatdown, it wasn't that hard of a game!"
by Dusty's Baby Powder September 20, 2010
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