Putting a cigarette out in your ejaculate on your lovers back while performing doggystyle.
Make sure your smoking before you nut so she can get the ol' Indiana Ashtray!
by NickyStickzzz219 November 20, 2022
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1. Don't cough in the ashtray
2. Don't sneeze in the ashtray
3. Don't laugh in the ashtray
4. Don't blow on the ashtray

These rules can be repeated for joint-rolling. No-one wants all their weed on the floor.
Person1: *cough cough* oh shit i spilled the ashtray everywhere with my misaimed cough.
Person2: Get out the vaccum then, you know The Ashtray Rules!
by MMMerangue April 17, 2008
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The act of kissing a girl who smokes.
I dumped Megan after one week, with her three pack a day habit, licking the ashtray made me want to hurl
by rubycodez April 5, 2010
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pile of cigarette butts sitting by the curb at the stoplight
look at at that concrete ashtray!...yo, earth a toilet!
by michael foolsley November 27, 2009
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A beer can/bottle which one uses to store cigarette butts in.
"Out in the trailer park we dont need no fancy glass platters for our cigarettes, we just use hillbilly ashtrays"
by Damanofdahour April 20, 2010
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A filthy scene group of dirty scene posers called the "Ashtray crew" who claim they are all top notch myspace whores, They will use you and abuse you for not being "LyK fulli br00t4l"
They don't know how to use proper english and commonly add numerous amounts of "Z's"

Practically everyone hates them but they seem to think otherwise.
"eww eww ashtray crew"

"omg guys looks its that dirty ashtray crew coming, everyone hold your breath!"
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The appearance of a lavatory bowl post flush, after an apocalyptic shit. With numerous brown smears going off in all directions.
Pooooh Kevin, why don't you clean the toilet after a shite, it looks like Winston Churchill's ashtray!!
by griggy May 21, 2011
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