a person who smokes weed.get it? you know, like to go get baked, or toasted
that dude is one cool baker...i wonder if he will bake with me?
by sheaspeck May 15, 2005
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verb. when a person either adds, comments on a status or picture of someone they have no idea who they are on Facebook. This is often a synonym for the word "creeper".

noun. A picture of someone, normally fat, who takes a picture of them self with their webcam trying to look huge when they clearly aren't in real life.
v. Hey Christian just bakered your sister.
n. Wow, you're picture is such a baker.
by anti-baker July 18, 2010
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To pull out and finish in a condom, and then proceed to cut the tip or poke a hole in the condom, and decorate your partner with jizz, just as a baker would decorate a cake.
As soon as he came, he cut the tip off the condom, and wrote his name on my chest.

Jonathan used the baker on Devon to demonstrate his culinary skills.

He came in the condom, poked a hole in the tip, and drew a jizz mustache on my face.
by PeeEyeEmAye January 11, 2012
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Someone who takes gas station hot dogs from the rollers without ever offering to pay for them. This person is usually overwieght without knowing it even though it's painfully obvious to others.
Noun: That guy is a real BAKER, look at him over there staring at the roller grill.
by oscarmeyerweinertheif December 6, 2010
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A individual who is in terrible shape. Bakers are overweight and have rashes all over their body. Their eye region is covered with flaky dry of dead skin. They do no enjoy showers or hair cuts. Because of this they have some serious stink and hair that is usually down to their shoulders. They never wash their hair and after a few days bugs and chewed peices of gum find their way into the forest of fur.
by Joseph Parie March 4, 2009
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An upcoming online game i am developing. It will be hip, hilarious and most of all, fun as hell. It spawned from my friends quote "Can I be Like, uhhhhh..... A Baker?" while he was querying about Runescape.
I am the makerer of Bakerers!
by freakmastercorndog March 8, 2005
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