A group of people,with very big intelligence.
Very funny and swag, group is sorted by hoes.Group has :
Basic hoes,Hot hoes,Emo hoes, We're dating but not hoes,Funny hoes,Rock hoes,Narodnjaki hoes, Confused hoes,HomieSexual hoes and Shy hoes.

Also amazing, talented and sexy.
There are so many weird kids out there-

- 8.a
by TheMeowMeowHoe March 24, 2021
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The new Reddit funny number; looks like a penis
OP: dude -8
Other: what
OP: haha funny number 2
by moosetwin December 8, 2020
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({: )=8 means, "Suck it Baby!"
Honey, I just can't wait until you come over and ({: )=8
by Peter Crammer December 27, 2006
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Used to show the size of one's penis whiile on the computer. Each "=" is one inch
Carlton: Hey Mitch my cock is bigger... it's this big- 8======>
Mitch: Ohh yea well mine's this big- 8=======>
by Penis in a March 23, 2007
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To be cut from a clan; a pair of scissors.
Dave Cannon = 8<
(Cannon was cut from 3D)
by c0r3y July 19, 2003
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1. This emoticon is bowtie man. Bowtie man is awesome.
Dude, :-)8 is freaking awesomer than you.
by CAPTAIN LOOPYHEAD January 19, 2011
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A tiny weiner.

The 8 is the balls.
The - is the tiny shaft.
The > is the nonexistant "mushroom"

It can also be used as a happy face.

The 8 is a pair of sunglasses.
The - is the nose.
The > is the mouth.
EX. 1
Robert: Heh. Joe has a 8->. He's not a man.
Steve: Haha!
Joe: What!?
Robert: ...
Steven: ...
Robert: You have a small dick.

EX. 2

Robert: Haha, Joe! You're so cool!
Steve: Yeah!
Joe: 8->
Robert: OMG! You have a tiny weiner!
by krazykushluk November 13, 2006
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