an insult/roast used on someone wearing light up sketchers, or some other trash shoes. if they happen to be wearing yeezys or some other expensive shoe, this insult is ineffective. this insult immediately obliterates your opponent if they aren't wearing expensive shoes.
by Christopher anthony barbara November 28, 2018
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The act of collecting semen that has collected in the drains of prison showers at the end of the day, placing it into a bowl and consuming it by yourself or with friends.
Enrique: Ey ese you want to grab some prison pudding after lights out?
Jeff: No Enrique! Last time we went for prison pudding the others wanted us to share.

Enrique: Fine then holmes. More for me!
by Pussydestroyer_xX_Xx August 20, 2021
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To use a magazine to hold blood, feces, and semen. Then to paint a red, brown, and white portrait on your cell mate's chest.
I became a true prison artist the day I ate enough blue fruit roll-ups to paint an American flag on Robbie's chest.
by TheGoldenDancer February 18, 2010
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The subsequent chaos that ensues when an individual turns the lights on and off repeatedly in a mens locker room. Especially chaotic after a gym class or hot day.
I leaned up against the light switch and accidentally started a turkish prison riot again.
by Hardun tucker February 18, 2018
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1. So drunk, one gets thrown in jail
2.pertaining to or caused by extreme intoxication or intoxicated persons.
3. outrageous inebriattion
-"Did you see Will and Zach at the fair?"
-"Who didn't? They were go-to-prison drunk."


They were throwing children through walls aka go-to-prison drunk.
by OhGeeP March 31, 2011
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(n.) A priceless and fragile antique. The term is used by employers of handlers to remind people that if they drop the ming vase or statue, they get fucked. In the rear. Very hard.
This is a prison soap antique; remember what'll happen if you drop it.
by Gumba Gumba June 16, 2004
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To forcefully shove a candy cane down an erect penis then proceed to suck the candy cane
You better stfu or imma perform the prison candy cane on your broke ass
by Henrydickthong42069 February 15, 2017
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