1. the act of fornicating with a co-worker on company time

This act is exclusively performed by two individuals of the opposite sex who are married, just not to each other.
I'm pretty sure that Sue & Dave at the office have been barnesing in the company van.
by greystreet April 15, 2010
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The holiest fuckboy of the generation that was, usually associates with jesus chrissim (gods first)
Girl 1: Im goin out with Will Barnes
Girl 2: ew that fuckboy?
by Pb upstander April 5, 2018
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A drafty blue barn that also sounds like something which some girls believe you shouldn't look up on urban dictionary because it reminds those girls of something else.
"I'm sure blue barn is on Urban Dictionary..."
by Tim Maddows February 4, 2023
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Adjective: exhibiting traits which include feats of strength one could only develop while living in or near barns.
She old, but that bitch is barn strong.
by seanigami December 1, 2018
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A hockey term for a high scoring game
Wow that Chicago vs Columbus was an absolute barn burner.
by thedustermonkey September 20, 2023
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A swim practice that obliterates your body, mind, and soul. It leaves you lifeless.
We had an absolute barn burner today. I went home and took a 12 hour nap!
by largeMan234 February 23, 2022
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