An individual so smart, profound and specialized that it serves only a single purpose: Winning.

There is not too much known about Bryan Cutter's around the world, but whoever meets one will notice their aura right away. A mixture of mythology's Adonis and billionaire Jack Ma, combined into a relentlessly winning creature. Outsmarting and outshining everyone along the way.
Person A: " Wow, what you said was actually really smart and interesting- how did you know about that?"

Person B: "Ah, just now? I think I just Bryan Cuttered it out of nowhere..."
Person A: "You are a true god!"
Person B:"Woooo!"
by tiffanyleckmisch June 8, 2018
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Where you back out of some internet websites and search another more innocent one.
I did a cutter offer from porn to stop my mum from finding out.
by Shietz July 1, 2016
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Someone who's nose is disintergrating from not using a straw to snort cocaine or other drugs, making it apear to be fake.
Hey look at Lindsey Lohan's nose from 1999 and now, she has a cookie cutter nose.
by SuperBlonde1991 January 3, 2011
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A pair of women’s jeans which cut so high into her ass crack they would cut a turd in two if she let one go
Look at the turd cutters on that girl!
by Alex J September 27, 2023
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It's a word used to define when a man ejacualtes so hard and with such an accurate beam that it can ''cleanly'' cut through anything like if it was a laser cutter.
Yesterday when i left home i forgot my keys so i decided to start watching lesbian BDSM porn on my phone, i pointed my cock to the lock of my door and ejaculated, now i gotta pay 1000$ in repairs but at least i was able to enter my house. It felt like one of those laser cutters from cartoons that cut through everything they point at.
by Cuttermaster69 October 17, 2023
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Who's on the seventh floor
Brewing alternatives
What's in the bottom drawer
Waiting for things to give
Spare us the cutter
Spare us the cutter
Couldn't cut the mustard
Conquering myself
Until I see another hurdle approaching
Say we can, say we will
Not just another drop in the ocean
Come to the free for all
With seven tapered knives
Some of them six feet tall
We will escape our lives
Spare us the cutter
Spare us the cutter
Couldn't cut the mustard
Conquering myself
Until I see another hurdle approaching
Say we can, say we will
Not just another drop in the ocean
Am I the happy loss
Will I still recoil
When the skin is lost
Am I the worthy cross
Will I still be soiled
When the dirt is off
Conquering myself
Until I see another hurdle approaching
Say we can, say we will
Not just another drop in the ocean
Watch the fingers close
When the hands are cold
Am I the happy loss
Will I still recoil
When the skin is lost
Am I the worthy cross
Will I still be soiled
When the dirt is off
Am I the happy loss
Will I still be soiled
When the dirt is off

The Cutter
by Death Menace February 10, 2023
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When one man seeks his life to cut another man’s nuts.
(Person 1) hey bro, I’m gonna snip your nuts.
(Person 2) why’s that!!!
(Person 1) Because I’m the fucking nutter cutter cunt.
by Mr Nutter Cutter. August 17, 2022
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