The art of hugging a pug and loling.
i just hugged a pug and laughed.

hugging pugs
by Kelen L January 19, 2009
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(v.) Wall-hugging, also known as Wall-humping or Head Glitching, is the pejorative term for abuse of a common defensive tactic in first-person and third-person shooters in which a player utilizes static map elements as makeshift cover to fire while preventing over-exposure of their hitbox, thus gaining an advantage over pursuing and unsuspecting foes. Often frowned upon by players of the receiving end of said tactic, as it is seen as no different than camping.
Player 1: Why are these snipers such wall huggers? I hate that shit!

Player 2: Just use your Grenade Launcher to flush them out. You can thank DICE later!
by xIDJKingIx September 6, 2013
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John: I tamali hugged Jane all night
Peter: Sounds pretty kinky
by tiggles2000 July 21, 2010
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When you are dating/ in a relationship with a woman who is VERY fat and much larger than yourself. What you do is hug, chalk off the ending of your arms, and then move on to the next gap that is not hug and hug and chalk again.

This can also be used when you have a mother who is bigger than the children, and the child wants to hug her.

(From the Hoagy Carmichael song- Huggin' and Chalkin')
Dude, your girl is so fat, that you are hugging and chalking just to show her some love.
by RRV May 9, 2006
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when one "hugs" another with one's tongues. In other words, making out with your tongues. Also known as, French Kiss.
Man, that Katie sure gave me a nice slug hug. It was wet, sloppy and DELICIOUS.
by tinnican February 5, 2007
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Wrap your significant other in a big hug, and then lick, with a wide tongue, from the base of their neck to the bottom of their ear.
I gave Cassandra a French hug last night, she's a big fan.
by UFCWathcer October 4, 2015
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A hug for people that you are obliged to like, but ultimately don't, such as people you meet in church. Its typically a very half-hearted hug.
"The date went okay, but I can tell he wasn't really into me. He walked me to my door and gave me a church hug."
by Joolie Beans January 28, 2006
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