A conspiracy theory that psychopathic children often get intentionally misdiagnosed as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) so that they are oppressed and manipulated and therefor aren't as big of a danger to society.

b: I don't know. I'm autistic?

(Operation Raskolnikov)
by Durrell Euell Bosch July 27, 2021
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A code for "jerking off" by british spies during the 1940s.

Semen is a very effective invisible ink. Like other invisible inks, semen is undetectable when it dries out, but it has one big advantage over its competitors it doesn't react to iodine vapor. Since iodine vapor was the main detection method for invisible ink during the war, writing code in semen meant that even if a message was intercepted, its secrets most likely wouldn't be revealed.

This technique was actually used in the field, where only one flaw was found: its distinctive smell. While fresh "ink" apparently didn't give off too malodorous a scent, one spy in Copenhagen stored his jam in jars, causing his letters to "stink to high heaven," and was told that a "fresh operation" was necessary for each communique.
Spy 1: We need to send a secret message to our allies

Spy 2: ..but we're all out of iodine

Spy 1: Just do a fresh operation
by Inzo65115651 April 24, 2014
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Gender Operations, otherwise known as Gender PYOPS are operations designed to convey selected information to mass audiences in order to influence their motives and desires and ultimately to decenter the receivers' positions on gender and sexuality.

1) Straight: The simplest forms of GOP's, usually self-refential and identity-based. Their followers are simply satisfied with lists, attributes and clear motivations. See LGBT, Omega Verse, phantom-aspirational men.

2) Diversionary-Masked: These ones understand the need for an alternative or preliminary narrative in order to manipulate the audience. The GOP incorporates political or aesthetic identities, even when these identities seem to deny any notion of gender. See: Seasteaders, Bronze Age Pervert, Jake Angeli, Anti-gender movement

3) Affirmative-masked: Contrary to the belief that authority figures claim queer identities for political ends, this GOP suggests that they do so because they lack a deeper understanding of gender and because they are ostracized from contemporary gender discourses. Their operations are careful appropriations in order to cover up for this fundamental lack/envy. See: Pastel Qanon, homonationalism

4) Plexus: Plexus puppet masters know that GOP's are complicated forms of collective consciousness which aim at confusion, fragmentation and individuation. They might combine mutually exclusive identities or multi-layered impersonation to communicate their message. See: Gazi Kodzo, FNC from Upotte!!
-Have you heard of the Litter Box Hoax incidents?
-I'm glad you asked! I think it's a really good example of a GOP (Gender Operations) reaction chain with big Plexus potential.
by maxmaxxed December 29, 2022
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A woman's butthole, especially when presented for examination or cleanliness.
"Well let's see your operating theater, then. How clean is it?"
by Big gay johnny sanf June 22, 2021
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A Native Rights Group that believe the government has not done enough to help Native Americans, And That Not Enough people Know the true history of America.
This weekend i joined operation TwoBeaks, People Have a good cause.
by Mers The Sentry May 1, 2019
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