what you should never spell while looking down yert shirt if yer a guy
person 1: put yer head down yer shirt and spell "attic"
person 2:<puts head in shirt> a titti i see.
by meh December 17, 2003
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"you know that thing my upstairs basement. " "an attic?" "thats it!"
by yommamafatbish September 5, 2019
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Mind; head; brain.

"In your attic:" thinking too much.
"Bat in your attic:" trying to solve a problem, and this preoccupation/ focused thinking is noticeable outwardly
"Are you still thinking about her? Man, you've got to get out of your attic."
by Plexy October 3, 2013
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When someone is old but still pretty cool, like the vintage shit you'd find in the attic from your family over the years.
Grandson: Grandad, you're so attic!
Grandad: What's that mean?
Grandson: You're old, but you're still cool.
by greenliney January 2, 2018
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Fellatio. Given casualy by a woman to a man usualy for services or money.
Jennifer is quite skilled at giving attic.
by $id December 8, 2006
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