A selfish fuckbag who only looks out for ones self interest and prosperity
Brandon screwed the crew over $2.50 on payroll that greedy hamster
by Timmy t-ReX July 4, 2017
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A hairy set of balls (testicles)
Normally found on long haired

Oasis lovers
Hey I was working at the arena last night and dan got his balls out in darrens face.
Dan likes to call it the D.C hamster
by J.j.c.c February 24, 2021
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The above statement is not correct. The angry hamster is when ur in a fight with ur bf. So as a revenge u start sucking off another dude then pretend tot swallow but actually saving his Jizz in your cheeks like a hamster. Then you walk up to your bf and make out with him.
That bitch didnt get me the extra McRib so I pulled an angry hamster on his ass.
by Carla from dorset April 4, 2017
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The act of stuffing a penis in a closed mouth to produce the effect of puffed cheeks or a bulge.
“Bro, I was totally hamstering my date last night”
by Ella13 July 20, 2021
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Having unprotected sex with a woman who has a large bush
Man, that chick from the music festival let me bury the hamster!
by Dj McSwiggins August 5, 2017
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A mamal derived from the ancient Siberian squirrel, today is a most commonly lovable pet. Most hamsters are highly trained and their squirrel like qualities are sharpened. Even though they tend to take an appearance of a mouse, their from type is the Siberian white squirrel.
by Ariel1 March 5, 2018
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to be right fucked out of your shitass
"hey, how was your night?"

"pretty good, i got hamstered!!!"

by sammycupcakes November 30, 2011
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