smalldance drug
by Anonymous January 16, 2003
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to steal

or to hurt someone
that nigga just yoked my books!


im bout to yoke this nigga in front of his girl.
by squid850 January 27, 2009
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To takeoff in the polevault with a bent top arm then the arm straightens out producing a violent jerk on the shoulder. The term was developed in the state of Oklahoma.
After he grabbed his shoulder in pain Steve knew he had gotten yoked at the takeoff.
by Big Russ Dog February 2, 2010
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"What did the dolphin say when it broke the vase?"
"I don't know, what?"
"I didn't do it on porpoise!"
"Wow, that's a really good yoke!"
by Han Han March 30, 2008
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To get over, or to use to your advantage the ignorance or inability of others....( Root): As in oxen being yoked, you harness their dumbass to your advantage.
The people in my fantasy league didn't know what the hell they were doing, so I yoked their ass at the trade deadline.
by DiabolicalHAter August 12, 2010
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Guy 1: Which is the egg yoke?
Guy 2: Its yolk, not yoke.
Guy 1: Oh, but still which one is the yolk?
Guy 2: That one.
by Spaoggers April 22, 2020
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Figuratively: The act of being fucked over, owned or turned down. Used in place of screwed.

Literally: Restrained, as in an ox.
A: "Man, did you see Matt at the show last night? He didn't get his tickets online and they were sold out at the door. "

"Yeah I saw him get out of line and call his mom to pick him up."

"That sucks dude, he got totally Yoked."

B: "Man that ox is so Yoked"
by Bluntman Chronchitis November 13, 2010
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