It's a term for a friggin' dick. Penis. Schlong.
"Stop touchin' my pants like that or my One Eyed Purple Headed Yogurt Slinger is gunna come out and slap you across the face, BITCH!"
by Kay-Cizzle April 6, 2006
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boobies!! the girls!!! titties!! ....................................
Wow, look at those pink yogurt headed slingers bounce.
by playboychika13 April 22, 2008
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In other words:
Choking the chicken
Choking the monkey
wacking off
jerking off
shaking hands with man's best friend
teasing the weasel
Dude, we all know that last night you did the five finger knuckle shuffle on the one-eyed, blue-veined, purple-headed, custard-chucking, salty yogurt slinger.
by Alex Bahder January 28, 2006
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masturbation; playing five on one, priming the piss pump; playing tug of war with ol' cyclops.
Following his vasectomy, he needed to produce 25 ejaculations over a 6-month period to assure testicular emasculation. In order to do this 25 times, he had to perform the five-finger knuckle shuffle on his one-eyed, blue-veined, purple-headed, custard-chucking, salty yogurt slinger.
by weave March 22, 2003
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