Comes in two forms
A: A man who does whatever his Girlfriend or wife tells him because she has one of 3 things, His balls in a trophy case, a Full Pussy blockade, or wants something done
B: A man who does what his girlfriend or wife says because he doesn't give a rats ass and its less he has to think about, this form of whipped involves lots of pussy, and are the happiest people on the planet
Whipped A
Joe's whipped dude, his GF has him cut off form pussy
Whipped B
Guy 1:Adam just does what she tells him to do, hes not whipped hes just happy
Guy2:wtf happened Adam
Adam: I just don't care, i do this i get sex, i watch TV, eat dinner, have sex, watch TV, have sex with TV, have sex wake up get more sex, i don't have to think about anything
by GW_Watchman November 1, 2009
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Somebody who is wrapped round there spouses finger. Under the thumb etc.
Jim Rose is one whipped muda fucka
by HanaFla February 2, 2009
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Instead of going out and hanging with your friends on a Saturday night, you stay in and help organize your girlfriends shoe closet.
Jack: Hey, what did Skye do last night?
Bill: He helped organize Samantha's shoe closet. Talk about being whipped.
Jack: Jesus Christ...
by Baby Fark McGee-zaxx May 9, 2009
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being completely controlled by a boyfriend/girlfriend.
"dang, conner even brings by pudding for his girlfriend. he's so whipped!"
by #@(*$&@(*#@$ February 25, 2010
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A person who is totally dominated by his girlfriend to the point of being distracted. See also pussywhipped.
by Piranha January 11, 2008
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1. To be under the control of your girlfreind, wife, or other female partner (note: to be whipped doesn't mean your dating someone, it means your under partial control of a female and her powers). When your whipped your sucked into everything this female does or says and you do everything she asks and never disagree with her. 2. A horrible thing that can happen to men, boys, teens. If you know someone that is whipped, they are in major trouble! try to break them up A.S.A.P.!!!!
Dude!! Nate Ramsey is so WHIPPED! That girl has him under her complete control and he doesn't even know!! I gotta get him some help!
by nick mo October 12, 2005
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being controlled and doing everything your girlfriend tells you to
damn justina has sean sooo whipped that its actually really funny
by jonathan cameron December 10, 2005
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