the only shoes you can throw and they will always land right side up
person 1: “nice shoes what are they?”
person 2: “ vans... watch this
*throws shoes*
person 1: “ wow!”
by mrfuckyogirl March 8, 2019
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were decent, until people started wearing them with hollister.
"dude, vans are off the chain"
preppy bitches who think they are cool now walk by.
"oh, not anymore"
by soniaissocoollike October 17, 2009
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1. Noun. A hypothetical place that entails sexual activity, often repeated to your friends the next day.
2. Verb. Sexual activity, often repeated to your friends the next day.
3. Question. The questioning of one's sexual activity the previous night. Only one word necessary. Works well with text messaging.
4. Prefix. The begining of any word that you would want to associate with sexual activity.
1. Yo man, I took her to the VAN last night!
2. Dude, we VANned like Cubans last night!
3. Bro #1: VAN? Bro #2: VAN!
4. This fall, when we go to all those weddings, its going to be a great VANtember and VANtober!
by Not TOD July 14, 2006
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Serial killer/rapists/love drunk teen's dream-it's a moving room with no windows(:
*Guy pulls up in his van tricked out to be the Mystery Machine*

Creeper: "You little boys want some candy!"

*Kids run screaming "STRANGER DANGER!"*
by HRSHUVNSTUFF February 10, 2010
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vans are the ultimate skateing shoes people who have the slip on vans are wanna-be skaters and some vans are really ugly and some look awesome
me: dude i just got a pair of slip on checker designed vans
friend:your not a skater your a poser!!!!
by *gloria* April 23, 2008
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2 in the front, 5 in the back.
"The Van" similar to:
'the shocker".
by status July 10, 2006
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cool shoes that look good.
it is so popular right now! instyle(:
person: ooh what shoes are those?
me: vans(:
person: they look SO cool. i want one!
where did you get it. *puppy eyes*
me: *smiles and walks away* :D
by iamAWESOME(: August 19, 2006
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