Unleashing the biggest load of crap in the top portion of the toilet.
"I wasn't able to get a beer at this party, so I took it upon myself to give him an upper decker in the toilet".
by mark abestin December 18, 2003
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The act of defecating inside the water tank of a toilet.

Step 1: Go to the home of your mortal enemy. Ask to use the bathroom.

Step 2: Approach toilet and remove the water tank lid.

Step 3: Step on the sides of the toilet and squat over the water. Carefully take a massive dump. Wipe your ass and dispose of toilet paper in the trash bin.

Step 4: Place water tank lid back on the toilet.

Step 5: Escape.

What happens? With each resulting flush, it will fill the bowl with a chunky brown water. Its the gift that keeps on giving :)
Lady mere mere: Just took a massive upper decker

Bro: Are you serious? Thats messed up. You really know about upper deckers
by t-bozz January 29, 2013
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AN ACT OF WAR. To take shit shit (some crazy how) in the upper tank of a conventional toilet. The next flush will be your shit and shit colored water. WARNING: The tank will be saturated with your shit. Hence the WAR about to commence. Do not do this without an immediate exit plan. And a fucking follow up plan of how and why you did such a fucking nasty thing.
I took and Upper Decker and dipped. Because I hate that fuck. And I am also a nasty unhygienic piece of shit whom wanted to fowl their party and embarrass.... fucking however.
by theutopianing April 18, 2012
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Taking a shit in another person’s essential oil humidifier without telling them. Usually as a form of retaliation in which a classic upper decker just won’t cut the mustard.
“I know I had to get back at that twat waffle after he cheated on me with my sister. So naturally I left him a boujee upper decker when I moved out.”
by Gettin' It.... March 9, 2022
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The act of defecating in the upper tank of a toilet, exhaling vape into the tank and then sealing it for a honeydew, kiwi, and cool mint surprise!
Thomas left a hipster upper decker in the toilet at the party that was surprisingly refreshing.
by GiantsMartyr January 21, 2018
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To put toilet paper over someone elses poo when the toilet is clogged and then take a shit on top of the original poo.
I shit on eric's poo because he clogged the toilet and there was nowhere else to go.
by grind January 17, 2004
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To poop on the floor on the top level of a double decker bus.
Someone was in the first level bathroom so Becky pulled a British Upper Decker.
by @catfur June 25, 2012
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