A word that gets used when people can't beat u in a game so the use that as an excuse so they don't seem like bad players
omg ur such a tryhard man u have no life and no friends
by SimonNetje January 20, 2022
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No one fucking likes these people.
by I'll see you in 2031 November 17, 2020
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A tryhard is someone who tries far too hard to achieve at something or pays a pointless amount of attention to every minute detail of it to ensure perfection. It's also an insult levied against high-achievers by lazy people. Both the noun and verb form are frequently used in academic and work environments, as well as in video games. When it's used by gamers it generally means "someone who plays far too much," and it's generally used by hardcore noobs to justify the fact that they just got pwned.

It can also be used as a verb to describe putting a lot of effort into something and fretting over the minor details of it.
"Look at that douchebag that got an A+ on the philosophy essay. What a tryhard."

"God, I just got pwned by a bunch of tryhards."

"I'm going to tryhard the fuck out of this assignment so I don't fail this class!"
by TubbyC October 17, 2011
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Dude, I was tryharding so hard last night.
No wonder all of your clothes where wet
by FireFlareion January 28, 2021
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someone who puts posters on the bedroom wall of bands like green day and simple plan, and don't even listen to but still pretend they do so they can look "cool", but in reality they're a tryhard
look at sean, he's got all those posters of punk bands on his walls. wow, he's a real tryhard!
by jedk September 26, 2005
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person who overexercise does something because other people are around
that tryhard just threw himselft on the ground to catch the ball
by meatshafter March 4, 2015
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Word used to describe people that lack talent but give it 110 % in everything, esp. sports; people who get very intense in what what they are doing.
Dick: Man, look at that whole team of tryhards.
Harry: They're still suck like shit and are getting owned.
by LeonC June 10, 2003
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