Illnesses which are spread around at science fiction and furry conventions due to the large numbers of people who gather and interact in one confined place. Lack of sleep, drama, stress, travel, and post con depression may also depress the immune system, contributing to con crud.
That was an awesome con I attended, pitty I caught a nasty case of con crud.
by Lutria Wolfe January 30, 2008
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A particularly nasty, crusty, fast advancing rash or skin eruption. For some reason it appears to strike only chrome-plated, 360 degree assholes, while leaving the virtuous unscathed. By so doing, it restores ones faith in the mysteries of life.
Alarmed Fellow:"Don't sit in that chair---Mayson just got up from there, and he has the galloping crud!"
Unconcerned Grand Guy:"Don't worry--Mayson's a dirt-bag, but I have my aura of righteousness to protect me."
by Kieran Le Petomaine November 20, 2006
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A south-county term for poop on a stick.
"Ah crud monkey, I sharted"
"Cletus get that crud monkey outta yer mouth!"
by jraek May 14, 2009
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Slang for a K-9 unit and or a “drug dog” usually code at high schools to warn people to flush their marijuana cause teens are selectivley drawn to marijuana
Hey, better not have brought that cannabis today the crud dog here man....
by The crud man May 10, 2019
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The dirtiest, smelliest, or most pungent point on an individual's body at the time of reference, often a place of anatomical significance.. ie. belly button, arse cleft, nipple, advanced neck pimple, rotten toenail.
"I have a strange tingling in my crud bud.."


"Look buddy, i'm telling you this for your own good.. you've gotta do something about that crud bud of yours.."
by Badgery November 15, 2006
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When after intercourse, the Vaginal Juices dry and your shaft, pubic hair and scrutum are covered with a mucus-like substance which is quite sticky, until bone-dry, then appearing like dandruff.
I nailed this chick last night, but i got a wicked deposit of Cunt Crud.
by in4GBH May 26, 2009
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