A 60000-word document that says that you can't post 13+ content.
Most people won't trust a seedy classmate, but everyone agrees to the terms and conditions.
by Mattsit January 24, 2021
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used to describe the amount of time a politician was banging his mistress,

alternatively a literal use
how long were you having sex
we were going at it all night, it was a long term in orifice, i even stood for re-erection!
by jaffaw July 16, 2009
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Words where you think it means something else, but actually have a sexual context.
The Urban Dictionary is 10 % made-up words, 5 % actual words, 1% merchandise, and 84 % sex terms.
by Atomizer January 15, 2015
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When someone makes up a new word or expression to describe something, and that word or expression is just so sublime and succinct that it is quickly adopted by the mainstream or the sub-mainstream, necessitating its inclusion in the Urban Dictionary.
Beyonce 'coined the term' bootylicious to perfectly describe a rounded butt (or Big Black Ghetto Arse, depending on how you look at it). Well done Beyonce. Sorry I can't do the little dash above the 'e' in your name but Robert's explanations are crap.

Sohm-Yung Ho 'coined the term' Resident Cunt to perfectly describe... um... the resident cunt.
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A really, REALLY long and pointless document aimed at users using the service. No one ever reads the ToS, and if they did, they take things way too seriously.

It's also a waste of time.
Don't even bother trying to read the Terms Of Service, because there's nothing in it for you except lost time.
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Saying something technical/confusing in an easy to understand manner (like when someone says a confusing phrase, whilst the other is like "SPEAK ENGLISH!")
"Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman's terms, 'Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out'"
by Cakeisalie December 10, 2007
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An academic term spent away from campus, during which, those involved experience dramatic decreases in strength, increase in unhealthy weight, loss of mental toughness, and all around drop in human significance.

Known side effects include, but are not limited to: numerous travels to exotic locations, abundance of attractive women, frequent instances of all night clubbing, lack of stress and/or obligations, and a life changing experience. If these side effects persist upon return to campus, seek medical attention immediately.

Several Hot Spots Include: Barcelona, Spain; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Madrid, Spain; Rome, Italy;

Because the effects of an Off Term can never be cured, it is important to approach those experiencing the effects with compassion and understanding.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, Bobby looks like he fell off the deep end a little bit"

Guy 2: "Yeah, he just got back from an Off Term"
Boss: "Jack, your test scores are off the charts, your resume is very impressive and you present yourself wonderfully. Unfortunately, I see you took an Off Term during college, this means we won't be able to hire you.
Son: "Mom, why are all my things packed and my room empty?"
Mom: "Sorry son, we can't have you part of this family after taking that Off Term."
by Kyke Navarro Gimenez August 24, 2009
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