(n): a hiker who doesn't care how their bad behavior affects the hikers behind them.
"That hotel isn't very friendly to hikers."
"Yeah, they had to deal with a lot of Stream Shitters earlier in the season."
by UnoriginalLogin April 14, 2017
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A streaming party is something you do when you want to support a song or an Album. You stream the song over and over again.
A: Hey what are you doing?
B: I'm having a streaming party

A: which album are u streaming?
B: Walls by Louis Tomlinson

A: Oh cool. Everybody should stream Walls by Louis Tomlinson;)
by FuckSimon2020 October 10, 2020
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Decision stream - a statistic-based supervised learning technique that generates a deep directed acyclic graph of decision rules to solve classification and regression tasks
By increasing the number of samples in each node and reducing the tree width, the Decision stream preserves statistically representative data and allows extremely deep graph architecture that can consist of hundreds of levels.
by Dr. James Fan May 8, 2019
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When altofunk doesnt grace us with his presence for more the 18 hours a day on stream.
"Man did you watch alto yesterday"? Man2: "Yeah man that was such a baby stream he was only on for 11 hours!"
by Helli___ December 29, 2020
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Related to the waste and recycling streams, the use stream describes items that are still of value and which can be recovered for ongoing use by others.
Bob: I love my new blender!
Sarah: What are you going to do with your old one. It works, right, just without all the bells and whistles.
Bob: Exactly. I think I'll clean it up and give it to the thrift store so that it can be returned to the use stream.
by Matthew Lake October 3, 2006
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when your pee comes out in two directions due to sperm residue (men only)
jerked off last night, woke up with fork stream and pissed all over the toilet
by hillhead January 7, 2012
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