Originally derived from the manner of movement of a squid...shooting off at speed, almost stopping to turn and then shooting off again, similar to a inexperienced motorcyclist.
"I was trying to pass the squid, but on corner exits he just stood it up and blasted away."
by Damien April 23, 2005
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A squid is a male or female that dates your friend. As a result you never see them again. The "squid" usually comes from a separate group of friends and takes that friend away to dark place.
Usually a squid is an overprotective boyfriend or clingy girlfriend.
It's based on a sailor being stolen from his ship by a giant squid and taken to the depth of the sea never to be seen again.
To the depths with ya squid!
by nuffmenwontest September 20, 2010
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person who cant handle the challenges of everyday life. one that is soft.
ryan puked after like 5 beers, what a fuckin squid

guy is 30 years old and still lives at home, man up and stop being such a squid.
by boloney pony November 12, 2010
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The masturbatory act of massaging the head of your cock in a squid-like motion.
Dude I was squidding so hard last night I inked all over my computer!
by UmfangMeister February 18, 2011
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A friend, derived from the singular version of squad. Synonyms include, homie, slime, bro, etc.
Yo, what up, my squid?
by floralmayonnaise May 4, 2019
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An uncommon reply to a question that would rather not be answered. Also can be a unusual greeting to someone you know well. Usually said in the form of a question.
by re11ding October 2, 2012
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A squid is someone who doesn't get invited to a party. A squid instead stays home and plays video games and has the time of his life.
"Yo Andrew didn't come tonight"
"Wow what a squid"
by nure99 September 21, 2014
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