Slinky someone who is really gay and who likes man cock
someone who likes slinkys can be a lover to man cock
by Kir March 28, 2005
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when a girls ass i so loose you can see her colon hanging down like a slinky
the was no need for a colonoscopy because the girl had a slinky
by balls to tha wall July 31, 2004
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The aftermath of a brutal pounding from behind causing the butthole to prolapse like a slinky
After smashing Courtney I pulled out her butt slinky
by Ricky booby#1 April 16, 2020
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1. prolapsed rectum, sometimes held in place with a foreign object

2. train wreck involving spillage of hazardous material

3. technical term employed by Canadian plumbers

4. shrinkage due to fellatio performed by one who practices less than ideal dental hygiene

5. type of weed grown in motor home greenhouses, using the sludge from an RV dump
"I can't feel my face!"

"Must be stinky slinky..."

"...apparently she was taken to the ER because she'd tried to stopper her stinky slinky with a potato."
by errataagain October 6, 2009
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1. large, flaccid penis

2. prolapsed rectum

3. undercooked, mysterious street-vendor fare
"This cheese-steak eats like a bun full of meat slinkys."

"Oh, I guess I'll get some falafel instead."
by errataagain October 6, 2009
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When you switch things up in the bedroom and your lover isn't familiar with the position
I'm not very experienced in the bedroom so when she whipped out the meat Slinky :) I wasn't sure what to do
by Karmasutra69 May 15, 2020
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