Gross, I was looking through a Playboy from the 80's and she had a fucking scribble patch.
by akendall October 11, 2009
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Small pieces of copper, brass, steel, wire, aluminum, or other scrap metal, usually of little value. can also refer to other small items found during a trash pick or while dumpster diving.
That bin just has some scribble scrabble...
by Pokemonprime July 22, 2018
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to scribble here and there. A reduplication of ‘scribble.’ Also used as a noun.
1. Do not scribble-scrabble on the wall.
2. Then, the scribble-scrabble is your handiwork.
by uttam maharjan October 21, 2011
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Scribble scrabble is quality bit of food
Yeah this is a lovely bit of scribble scrabble you have cooked
by Puff the Alf man 69 June 23, 2018
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Someone with crooked teeth, resembling a ink-inscribed scribble within the mouth.
That girl better get her grill to the dentist, she has a bad case of scribble mouf.
by Alfred Pear January 16, 2008
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Arabic writing. Gets the name due to the geographical location of origin and its looks appearing as if they are scribbles.
ISIS Propaganda: ___/___./_-_./__/-._---____./.
Person: Sorry my sand scribble writing comprehension is not that great.
by SU-152 August 2, 2017
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During sex, the man lays down on the bed and the girl (facing away) squats on his dick (so her knees are up) wiggling in a circular motion, looking like a bunny.
I can barely pop a boner today, the way she was scribbling bunny hurt my dick!
by lesterdamolester May 18, 2011
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