Poob is a substance made from (but not limited to); Fecal Matter (shit), Toenail dust, Semen (cum), Piss, Shit, Puss, Snot, Earwax, Eye Crusties, and Water.

(not to be mixed up with the 1985 Ewoks TV show character Ploob)
Wow! I just ate so much Poob!
You know what that's made of right?
by MasterOfTheDumpyFart April 30, 2021
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"Daniel is a poob."

"You got poobed!"
by ExplodingClowns March 22, 2007
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A word you say when you have absolutely nothing else to say. Usually as a greeting.
1. Person 1: Poob.
Person 2: Well hello Person 1.
by Tyu July 23, 2004
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when a guy doesn't have his pecks completely toned
Guy 1: Dude ma pecks r so toned u can bounce a quarter off it
Guy 2: Man, stop lyin. U kno u got poobs
*Awkward silence*
by bookhater45 August 18, 2011
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To take a poop on some ones boobs
Ew he took a poob on her
by Jared Clampet March 30, 2006
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