Ray Ray: Man I'm pissed!

Devion: How pissed?

Ray Ray: Fuck man, I'm so pissed I'm pissed-offative!
by dseudonym April 9, 2005
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Extremely angry. Especially on a Friday when I'm in a good mood!
Quit it. I'm starting to get a little pissed off now.
by GuidoPosse69 January 27, 2005
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the feeling one gets when they snap their car key outside work - stupid fucking key
shane was so pissed off when he snapped his keys off in the door of his car, outside his work
by mr sexy numero duo October 7, 2010
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A phrase demanding a person to get excessively drunk or to leave the party/gathering.
Person 1: I'll come, but i won't drink anything

Person 2: piss up or piss off cunt
by Josh Redgrave June 18, 2018
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To eliminate a hard-on (go limp) by peeing instead of ejaculation. This is disappointing to men, so they don't want to go to the bathroom and piss off their hard-on. Then then say they are pissed off, or angry about it.

It has become slang for making someone angry or when something or someone makes a person angry.

Today, women have picked up on this term also, using it as getting angry (but not about their hard-on going away).
I love my errection, but when I go pee it will piss off (original usage).
He is going to piss me off (modern).
by Jimmie Boy May 16, 2006
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