A pipe made of glass, random cans, or any other house-hold items. Usually used for smoking weed.
Tommy and I made a piece from an Altoid can by punching holes in it.
by Johnithon Smith May 10, 2008
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"he is such a trust fund baby. his parents even pay for his piece."
by dislocatedelbows May 25, 2003
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A woman who is just good for sex or just ugly and sick.
by Seagull November 29, 2003
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a gun; used for popping caps

aka: nine,heater,gun,pistol
i used a piece to pop a cap in his bitch ass
by Anonymous May 16, 2003
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A piece is a one of a kind work of art, made of blown glass, that you can smoke pot out of. "Piece" is also an acceptable word when at a head shop and trying not to get kicked out. "Water pipe" would also be acceptable.
Ganja smoking device examples:
"Let's pack up my new piece and get stoned off our asses!"
by indiewendi January 17, 2008
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To share a cigarette since none of our broke ass motherfucking asses can afford a goddamn pack of cigarettes.
"Ay, you wanna piece a cigarette?"
"Can I piece your girlfriend?"
"Fuck you."
by TuanTuan November 1, 2005
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