Perez Hilton is a Waste of Oxygen. He is everything that is wrong with America manifested into a human being

John: Hey Jane! Did you see the post the Waste of Oxygen made?

Jane: Yes He is the Anti Christ
by The Deplorable October 13, 2016
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A living human who continues to waste valuable oxygen that many feel would be best preserved for other uses. The oxygen is predominantly wasted through the beings ineffective contribution to society leading many to question their existence on the planet.
"Jim, who is this big-titted mongloid on the front on the newspaper?"

"Bob, Thats Katie Price, she is the biggest oxygen thief known to man"
by aKp123 February 21, 2010
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its is used to describe someone with a particularly large nose or nostrils
becuase they as a consequence are able to inhale more oxgen via the nasal passage so depriving everyone else of the vital oxygen we need to survive.
good lord that girl has large nostrils,
she is such an oxygen hog!
by (anon).... February 25, 2009
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One who leeches off other people, scrounges off their parents, annoys everyone they come into contact with, refuses to work, stays in bed until mid afternoon most days and wastes what money they do have on gambling machines and often has a lazy eye. Otherwise known as a parasite
Anthony Bell is a lazy parasitic oxygen thief.
by Shaun Elliott February 18, 2004
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A feeling of being very happy just for being alive and small things in life aka being happy for no reason
You can just tell that guy is smoking oxygen
by Parkour_josh13 February 10, 2019
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