When an ugly ass nigga thinks he's sexy af and can get hoes when in reality he's just some ugly ass nigga. This syndrome affects 90 percent of niggas worldwide and is incurable at the moment. It is deadly and causes millions of dubs by bad bitches per day.
"That nigga matt has ugly ass nigga syndrome"
ugly ass nigga syndrome is affecting niggas worldwide!!!!
by javonakabbc December 11, 2017
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A syndrome when a male has an ass so so fat it gets them to a state where he shows insecurity, upset, annoyed, angry, and quiet
Friend A: Aye bro do you struggle to find pants?
Friend B: Bro stop asking me that your chatting, your pissing me off!

Friend: (That’s that thick booty nigga syndrome...)
by Devon Davis June 8, 2021
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Also known as PNS. This is defined as the people who have a sense of "entitlement" to everything and anything all the while doing absolutely nothing to lawfully/legally gain what they desire. They would rather sit on welfare and bitch then to further themselves in life. Every tax payer supports them financially.

These people in female version are also known to be ratchets.
Every race has its own version:
Po' Trailer Trash Syndrome: PTTS
Po' Spic Syndrome: PSS

For example:
A person who rents a room for $300 a month, does not contribute to any other cost of living such as utilities, food, cleaning etc yet bitches that the person(s) they live with refuse to cook for them, clean their room, take them places even though they have a vehicle, plays the "oh whoa is me" card every time they open their mouth.
He refuses to get a job, sits and bitches about everything! He suffers from Po' Nigga Syndrome (PNS)!
by Creator of PNS May 27, 2014
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The inability to enjoy a particular persons creative expression due to personal associations or personal feelings of superiority to or of the known party.
Amazed fan of a popular artist "Dat beat doe.." -proper appreciation of selected work
Personal friend of the very same artist "Simple ass nigga.." - Simple Ass Nigga Syndrome in full effect
by kariusvega November 3, 2014
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When you (or another) cant help but to hate on another nigga(s)

It is frowned upon to have H.A.N.S behind a menace's back, but is viewed as okay so long as the person suffering from H.A.N.S is willing to admit to the menace how they are feeling
Person 1:bro he got to go to the concert last night Im frfr jealous and pissed that he gets to do that
Person 2:You must have Hating Ass Nigga Syndrome (H.A.N.S), stop that shit bro or go tell him. Stop being a pussy.
by MoistyboyX February 20, 2022
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