An absolutely terrible band whose songs all sound exactly the same with slightly different words.
Widely regarded as the worst band of all time, (Nickelback) has been tormenting those who have tuned into the radio for the better part of the early century.

Green Day pulled a Nickelback on their dookie album in some respects, but at least their music was audible.
by shananigans2009 November 6, 2009
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An awesome band which invented a new way to mosh, instead of puching, punching and kicking, fans commonly bring rocks, rotten tomatoed or bad eggs to concert in order to throw at the lead singer, the person hat score the most headshots gets to have sex with chad's half-dead body. No one can refuse such a good reward.
Fan 1: "Hey did you go to that Nickelback concert last night?"
Fan 2: "Ye man, i ass-f*cked him after he was knocked out by a watermelon."
by adheherh April 9, 2010
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when someone shits directly into your ear. Named after one of the world's worst bands, as anyone with good taste in music would have concluded
Friend: What's wrong?

Me: "Owww, my ear hurts. I was listening to the radio and got Nickelbacked. IT BURNS!!

Friend: Yeah, I know. I've been there, man. Let's get some GOOD music into that ear of yours right away.
by aquajerk/surly December 22, 2011
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Another word for absolute shit
They could very well be the worst band in the world.
faggot: "nickelback is amazing"
non-faggot: " shut up, they suck balls"
by Qannabis King April 26, 2008
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To push someone off a ledge, precipice, or other type of altitude-inclined location with the intent that they fall for the result of injury or death.
"Your honor, he had to be nickelbacked. You'd understand if it had been you talking to him about who was the best of '90s and 2000s indie rock."
by Mr. Frederick McFeely Rogers November 13, 2013
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the crappiest band in the world. should be sent to Mars.
Bob: Yo, I love Nickelback!!!

by Smoskinz December 22, 2009
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A shitty alt. rock/post-grunge/nu-metal band with only one song to be proud of, Side of a Bullet, due to it's inclusion of an unreleased solo by the late, great Dimebag Darrel
by ThroatSlit March 31, 2007
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