A word that pertains to becoming old and boring.
by Anonymous September 13, 2003
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A really boring person that only does things that are "age like"...
"hey wanna go do 101 things in walmart??"
" no that is sooo immature."
"watever. ur boring."
by ieezsooperawzumninja February 15, 2010
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to mature, to ripe, to make wine able to drink.
the fruit is just now going threw maturation.
by just a girl from the city November 15, 2018
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the art of forgetting those whom will never be remembered.
maturing is a part of life. accept it.
by justsomefregginchick December 17, 2011
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1) slang: said when someone does some
thing childish, immature

2) rfm (real fucking mature) can also be used
guy 1: "Girls have cooties"
guy 2: "Real Mature, dude, real mature..."
guy 3: "Yeah, dude, rfm..."
by drifter33032 April 12, 2007
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A relationship where you really care for someone. Where you are comfortable and can be yourself around them, yet know you can still be seductive towards them. You are only sexy for this one person. A mature relationship doesn't mean sex, but means that you trust that person enough to know they would respect your views on interactions such as that. In a mature relationship you are comfortable enough to talk about a future or what make you happy, what makes you feel good, and what you don't like without fearing judgement. A mature relationship is a mutual love shared by two people embarking on a future together.
Tom and Julia's mature relationship led them to a long life together.
by ChrysanthemumAngel December 18, 2016
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An older, handsome man. A DILF. The female version of a cougar.
“I’d really like to take that mature buck back to my place tonight” “The young doe was seeking her mature buck”
by Emmariehickman November 17, 2019
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