When a bowl, bong, vape, joint, blunt, tetris block, or chillum (or any other smoking device) is "kicked" and the marijuana is completely burnt out to ash.
"Dude, lemme hit that"

"No bro--it's keefed. Sorry"
by Wagonian May 4, 2006
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The cilantro of weed
“What is keef?”
“Well it’s like the cilantro of weed!”
by Lizard555 July 21, 2019
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Derived from the early Scottish Lord Kevin Keefe who was most known for having the largest recorded number of male sexual parnters to Keefe an individual refers to allowing another male to enter you sexually without protection since there was no form of contraceptives in the early Scottish era.
He eagerly waited for his conquest of the night to Keefe him upon arrival to his bedroom.
by Wayne Sisnero January 18, 2019
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a queefer who likes to queefe in their partners mouth. enjoys biting butts and saying random noises. has a weird sense of style.
whoa that keefe just queefed!
you just queefed your such a keefe!
by ZANZABAR ex oh March 15, 2008
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The highly intellectual and most prolific philosopher of the 21st Century also known as “Sosa” who spreads words of infinite wisdom through the expression of music and other sources.
“The purpose of nature is the advancement and development of life”. - Chief Keef
by Tedd September 17, 2018
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