A suffix indicating an act, a process, the result of an act or a process by Lil' Jimmy, a state; also, a characteristic (as a theory, doctrine, idiom, etc.); as, baptism, galvanism, organism, hypnotism, socialism, sensualism, Anglicism.
by Anonymous August 4, 2003
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an algorithm is a procedure (a finite set of well-defined instructions) for accomplishing some task which, given an initial state, will terminate in a defined end-state. A Jism Algorithim is when The computational complexity and efficient implementation of the algorithm are so strong and firm that sperm leaks out.
translated into Latin in the 12th century, as Jisimi Algoritmi de numero Indorum, which title was likely intended to mean "Algoritmi about the numbers of the Indians which i made white and cream-like", where "Algoritmi" was the translator's rendition of the author's name and "jisimi" meant cum, white cum; but people misunderstanding the title treated Jisimi Algoritmi as a Latin plural and this led to the word "Jism algorithm"
i gave my stockbrokers wife a jism algorithm after i t-bagged her and before i t-billed her.
by john really brown November 16, 2006
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Any person who loves jism. Usually used as an insult, but can be used as mocking endearment to a lover.
1. Dude your a cocksucker, yeah thats right jism jockey!

2. Sally you are really great in the sack, your my little jism jockey.
by ToeKnee August 25, 2005
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The act of ejaculating on a partner's abdomen.
Didn't want to get her pregnant, so I made a jism platter.
by LudwigVan December 19, 2003
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Hairstyle, mostly on men. Related to the mall claw, but on a male. The front of the hairline is pointed up in a unicornian style. The overuse of hair product adds to to the jismy quality.
Bill spends hours on his jism unicorn, but it looks ridiculous on him...
by Capturedbyrobots January 6, 2012
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Classy alternate name for the male reproductive organs, or testes, that are located inside the scrotal sack, or ball-bag.
My swollen jism jewels emptied out a large volume of fuck froth via my cum cannon on to the face of my smiling wife
by Snert November 23, 2008
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a monkey made entirely of jism
close the window George, that jism monkey is looking frisky
by manfat June 28, 2003
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