something that everyone uses all day long. it is very sad if you are not on it all the time. the iPhone will one day take over the world and will destroy the humans on the planet earth
hind the iphones are coming
by bigjose November 23, 2018
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people who love their iphone so much they get a boner when they think about it or play with their iphone.

dude, i was in class looking at the new apps and when i saw one anout world of warcraft, i totally got a iphoner in class.
by Paul Hoffmann February 4, 2009
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Phone that will break if you drop it two inches of the ground
" do you have the new iPhone ?"

" Yeah, but it broke. "

" how ?"

" oh , it dropped off of a couch."
by J. B. Mason January 16, 2015
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One who engages in regular use with the Apple iPhone. An iPhonic is far superior to those who have regular cellular devices.
Mel: I really want an iPhone.
Andy: You won't become an iPhonic, you're scared.
Mel: Yes. Yes, I am.
by bradleyfrank June 18, 2010
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The Sharp pain you get from your index finger to you thumb, from holding and or useing your iphone or ipod to long.
Oh my gosh I've been on Facebook on my iphone for ever, I feel like I'm getting iphoneitis in my right hand
by BlondePinkandFabulous April 22, 2010
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A mutant cross-breed of an ipod and a phone
ipod + phone = iphone
by Jersey Kid February 22, 2008
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A Cellphone, MP3 player and GPS locator in one, highly over priced and over hyped. Which attracts all the apple fan boy fags that are willing to pay out the ass for that stupid little apple logo on their cell phone or new computer. Which Macs by the way are not high performance gaming machines, so if you are planning to buy a mac for gaming you are a n00b.
Apple Fag: Wow, I just paid $400 for an Iphone, aint it awesome?
Non Apple Fag: I only paid $30 after $50 mail in rebate and I got a Sprint PDA phone with internet browser and GPS, and MP3 player like yours using an SD slot, but I can also take and send pictures which yours cant. You got ripped off man. Apple is crapple.
by forwardbias June 23, 2009
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