Someone who says that they would never do something or never be like someone, yet turns around and does the thing that they say that they will never do.

Someone who says that they can do something but fails to do what they say they can do.

Someone who is a fake.

Someone who tries to live up to standerds that they can not live up to.

Someone who says they hate something but when someone else says they like it, they turn around and say they like it too. (A follower)
A:"I hate wearing the color orange."

B:" is my favorite color."

A:"OMG! Me too, I totally agree."

B:"Your such a hypocrite."
by Lasagna Kangaroo April 5, 2006
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when people talk trash on other people but are the biggest brown nosers to them
girl is talking trash on this other girl
-girl comes up to the other girl
then the girl who is talking trash on the girl who walks up is kissing her butt
so therefore that trash talkin depressed girl is a hypocrite
by broccoli babes June 21, 2007
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Somebody who lives by double standards. Do as they preach, not as they practice. The kind of person who gets several dwi's in a row, then posts billboards all over town about how nobody should drink and drive.
by Solid Mantis June 21, 2018
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a person who says or does something that they deemed unacceptable when someone else does it
my friend tristan is a hypocrite (he actually is)
by Dictionary doughnut September 2, 2017
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-someone who is hollow inside

-where what they claim they represent isn't actually what they believe

-lack personal experience of what their talking about

-however if what their being "hypocritical" about is a belief, they might actually end up believing in it, fake hopes and dreams

-someone who thinks others should be punished for doing something they believe is wrong
teacher is a hypocrite for putting the kid in detention
by LeonLeos September 14, 2009
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People who shame people for doing something, but do it themselves.
Fat chick: Hey, wanna get on the bed tonight?
Hunk: Sorry, I am not interested.
Fat chick: You f**king shallow douche! It is because I am fat, right?!?!?!

Midget: Want a drink, babe?
Fat chick: Eww, you runt! GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE!
Midget: Is it because I am short?
Fat chick: Obviously, you moron!

The fat chick is a hypocrite.
by lilzor July 21, 2016
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Some one who criticizes you for something who also does that thing.
My parents say I watch too much tv and gorunded me for it, but they watch tv from 7-12. They are such hypocritics!
Everyone is a hypocritic!
by Baseer September 6, 2005
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