A highly controversial epidemic possibly dropped into Africa. Possibly invented to rid the world of the Africans - s.z
A: Oh I might have Ebola.

B: You may have been targeted by the government
by Lilboosie911 October 2, 2014
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A deadly diesese that every American child thinks they have after coughing slightly or watching the news.
After sneaking in the hall Daniels friend had all thought that he had Ebola.
by Bro73 November 12, 2014
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a disease that is deadly, but every one jokes around with it tho
Person 1 i think i have ebola
Peron 2 why
Person 1 because i started coughing
by fgfuf7t5hgse November 13, 2014
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Someone who is in contact with an infected ebola patient and then takes a trip instead of being quarantined.
That nurse that took the cruise is an ebola troll.
by henro50 October 17, 2014
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Like the bomber plane named Enola Gay used to transport an atom bomb that killed thousands, this individual in power helped bring the ebola virus to america.
People started pointing fingers at the ebola gay after america became infected.
by jpg3 October 11, 2014
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Nickname for Paris Hilton as she spreads her nasty disease around LA
Man, that girl might be rich but she be nasty Hollywood Ebola!
by Monica L December 19, 2006
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A fat woman who spreads gossip like a virus.
Paul: Did you hear about the Ebola virus?
Mike: no?
Paul: She's spreading.
by Bartender4u August 3, 2010
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