The film of sweaty slime that collects on the gooch.
I slid my fingers under his balls and the cashew butter was as thick as icing.
by c-s-k September 27, 2016
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a cousin of the bean bag, only it's actually edible. Careful if you have back issues, these seats are lumpy, crunchy, and impossible to roll out of.
Dave: Why didn't Rick come home after the we played xbox?
Todd: He got stuck in that cashew bag and just ended up eating it and now he can't move.
by StumpyStumps June 26, 2010
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When trying to say Kakashi Sensei some retard pronounced it Cashew Sensei
Look it’s Cashew Sensei
by Some random Otaku December 8, 2019
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When a man is having sex with his girl and his friend is hiding in the closet and they switch positions on the out stroke without the girl noticing.
Dude, Blaine let me do a sneaky cashew with Meredeth last night, it was epic and she never notice.
by pwndnoobmeredeth October 3, 2009
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scussitc: scotish, russian, Celtic
cashew: catholic, half jew
Oh my god, you're such a scusstic cashew.
by gingit December 24, 2009
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someone who's acting crazy and or doing something ideotic or lutacris
Man that jerk is driving worse than a wombat on cashew nuts!
by Matt vin July 27, 2021
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