the combining of the words 'calve' and 'ankles' to describe really fat ankles---about the thickness of a calve.
Marie never wore skirts due to her fear of exposing her cankles.
by khrysler May 26, 2006
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Have you got cankles? (said in a whining voice)
by Cankle Hater July 22, 2010
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The sexyness where your calve goes straight down, and you can't tell where the ankle starts.
I have sexy cankles
by Joj April 29, 2004
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A person who's calves and ankles merge together. Not knowing where the calve ends and the ankle begins.

Thick, muscle-legs, fat or meat legs. Gross on girls.
Kourtni has nasty cankles, they make me gaggg!
by Melmissy November 19, 2005
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Refers to ankles that are actually the same size as the calf.
If I had cankles like that I would always wear long pants. Usually present on old woman who have swollen legs and in some instances young people too.
by kb4 April 9, 2006
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There are two differing forms of the cankle
1: Where the ankle is large enough that it is unable to be distinquished from the calf.
2: Where the calf is slender enough that it is unable to be distinguished from the ankle.
1: Man, How could you hook up with Mandy? That bitch is so large that she's got cankles.
2: Of the two types of cankles, kenyan marathoners have the latter.
by The Constar July 26, 2009
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are u guys fucking stupid cankles CAN be from weight gain n stuff but if ur born with cankles it usually means ur calves are bigger than usually which enables fast track running. because ur calves extends it allows the leg muscles to strecth long while running which quickens the movements (fast running) so next time u want to make sum douche comment about sumthing that should be considered a complement, READ ABOUT IT MOTHER FUCKERS
douche: look at those cankles on the bitch. dam


gym teacher: ok guys time to run the mile


cankle girl: wow this is easier than i thought

douche: man, this sucks balls dude


gym teacher: ok well the cankle girl got the best time in the class! oh, and um the douche can suck sum mile ass

douche: aw fuck i got beat by a chick

cankle girl: yea bitches what now eat my cankle ASS
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