That Buck was arrested fo slappin his hoe
by mrdudeman1122 March 25, 2010
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meaning a 100 or a referencing a dollar
p1: yo you got a buck?
p2: nah, im broke broke rn.


p1: aight homie, i gotta keep it a buck with you rn.
p2: oh? whats poppin?
by aslkdl May 7, 2020
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to void your bowels in a violent manner; to vomit profusely
Hey Ian after finishing that massive Monte Cristos meal, I'm about to buck all over your living room flaaarr.
by Bucker69 August 7, 2020
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to get ready to fight
what you tryin to buck
by Sherlock February 12, 2004
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Bucking-Kinda the same as curving someone, making someone else feel scared, or not wanting to do something G, or cool. Used in the south, watch out a lot of friends will say your bucking just because you don't want to do something they want!!!
boy 1: I don't want to fight you

boy 2: oh so you bucking

You would probably get respect if you didn't buck from every call out.

Whats sup, Im not bucking
by Ace man 101 May 28, 2011
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Buck means 100, ususaly used for speed.
"I was going a buck ten in my camaro"
by Perrott June 17, 2003
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1. Adj.- metaphorical juxtaposion of the effect of being bucked (standard def.) by a donkey, as it pertains to an existential circumstance

2. V.- to cause physical or mental impairment; to harm

3. Adv.- in a recieving or delivering state of buckage.
"A donkey bucked me in mah mouf and I bust my toof!"

"That donkey just bucked his dignity."

"I dropped so much acid.. dude I was bucked."

"Don't sit on a cactus, you'll get bucked."

"Don't play with a scorpion, you'll get bucked."
by HoboTron April 10, 2007
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