1. A source of information.

2. A source of entertainment.

3. A tool barely used by todays societies, because it is not 'cool' to read a book.
1. The dictionary

2. Neil Gaimain's 'American Gods'

3. Which is a shame, really, because once upon a time (and today, in countries with little money) a book was a precious commodity.
by Alyson April 22, 2003
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An object to take you into a different world.

Something today's society has lost connection with.
That was the best book ever, I felt like I was in the Hunger Games!

Bruh, what is dat?!
A book.
Yah, yolo.
by Cat Lady AF February 17, 2015
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Where you run away or dodge any way not to get caught.
But I did as what I was told and booked it to the other side.
by girlpup September 1, 2015
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what you should be reading instead of being on the internet
An example of a book:
Animal Farm, which is my personal favorite
by Surly-U-Jest October 8, 2008
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one of the greater objects to fill free time with. reading a book induces feelings and thoughts not attainable anywhere else.
by oh,hellojan. April 30, 2007
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1. An object containing information (ie: words, pictures) used for the purpose of entertainment or education. These are now available in electronic form. One that writes such a 'book' has the ability to earn money known as 'royalty'.

2. To get into trouble with an authority figure such as a teacher or a police officer.

3. To make an escape... usually from an authority figure such as the ones mentioned above.
Student 1: Dude! I forgot to read my book for my report for English Class!

Student 2: Did the teacher book you?

Student 1: Na man, I booked before she could find out!
by Rag Ji January 19, 2006
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