to put it in the ear of a really good looking woman
I bof'd that ho' straight up jigga.
by e-n June 17, 2003
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Somewhere between both and the south.
We got bof 'm all horses tied up right there.
by Kyle June 9, 2003
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Of English origin it is Acronym for Boring Old Fart. An older person, who is well...Boring.
My Dad is a real BOF and he doesn't know it.
by ADMCA April 28, 2007
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to screw a mother daughter and grandmother in one day
yesterday i bofed hella bitches fodigity nigga for shizel my navel
by B 0 August 7, 2003
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b.o fanny or body odor fanny. a vagina that smells like shat and makes u just want to kick it.
dude that chicks bof reaks.
by urkinit April 20, 2005
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The sport of choice for completely nerdy people with no social life. One could call them the "star wars" types. It consists of hitting each other with gay, homemade (usually duct tape) swords that look strangely like penises. All it does is make people who are already disliked or ignored by everyone look even more ridiculous.

-here is a url to a picture of a boffing sword (what did i tell you? looks like a penis doesn't it)
by xtaylorx516 July 17, 2008
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Acronym for burn-on-face. ie, cat bofs, dog bof, anything that has a bunghole that can be rubbed in your face
Lets bust his kneecap! Pull out his teeth! Sratch that, do you have a raccoon?
by gunshow February 9, 2005
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