A word with many uses. It is really funny to say, and can even make small children laugh.
Evan loves weiner in and around his mouth.

by catlady4evs February 19, 2009
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What little kids who are afraid to say Penis call a penis.
"Oh my gosh Timmy was playing with us and his pants fell off and he has the biggest weiner I ever saw! Except for my dad's."
by Cortana Dragoon June 18, 2005
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to go up to something/someone and put your weiner on them/it and yell weiner
I'm gunna weiner you if u dont shut up.
by dushon mandick May 26, 2008
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Sent via Twitter to a college girl. Weiner couldn't say with certitude if it was his own weiner, but after a week or so admitted to sending the picture. Weiner is currently a Democratic Congressman, and the recipient of much envy due to his size below the belt.
Have you seen Anthony Weiner's weiner in that picture? I'm kinda jealous.
by Devin Conway June 10, 2011
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To go (ham) on somebody or something. Usually used while playing call of duty
I'm about to weiner at black ops.

I just got weinered!
by Allan Eaton 24 April 5, 2011
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stevie is such a wiener he wants to stick himself in dexters ass
by tempered August 28, 2003
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