Somebody who posts too many Tweets on Twitter. They post about everything that happens in their life. Your Twitter dashboard is consumed by Tweets from this ONE PERSON.
@example1: I just saw the coolest bird.

@example1: Oh man, this is a good sandwich.

@example1: My dad is such a homosexual.

@example2: @example1 you are a serial Tweeter!!
by stopyourserialtwitter@as August 28, 2010
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A person with little or no followers, but updates their Twitter anyway.
*Ann just updated her twitter from Twitterberry*

John: Why do you update your twitter when you have no followers?

Ann: I guess I'm just a Lone Tweeter.
by JFuhresh May 16, 2009
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A person who goes on google looking for quotes to tweet on their twitter and pass off as their own thoughts.
Chad: Dude I unfollowed Rick on twitter, and you should do the same.
Tom: Why? What's wrong with him?
Chad: All he does is tweet quotes from google and pretend he made them up like me and his other 30 followers are stupid.
Tom: Ugh, he's such a Google and Tweeter.
Chad: Right, google and tweeters have no room on my timeline.
by ihearthead August 15, 2011
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an argument on twitter between two people, usually about something funny or pointless.
Those girls are on the tweeter-totter debating who is hotter... rob or taylor.
by chiica July 25, 2009
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The feeling immediately following a tweet that you regret having sent. Typically felt after responding in a unfriendly way to someone's useless, inappropriate or lame tweet.
Tweeter: So in love with Jacob, I think I'll marry him.
Response: So then why were you fucking his friend Harry last night?

To friend: Oh boy, I shouldn't have tweeted that. I'm having tweeter's remorse.
by CarbonCrappie September 8, 2010
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Someone who is addicted to twittering and cannot stop. They update they're staus at least 10 times an hour if not more.
Bob: Look at all of Lily813's tweets, she has so many and she's only been on Twitter a month
Alexandra: I know she's a chain tweeter
by Charles the 13th June 2, 2009
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