Tub, originating from local areas around detroit, is referred to when eating alot of food or when you want to eat at all.
haha im tubbing so much right now

dude lets go tub at coney.
by Macncheesee August 11, 2010
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Tub means tall ugly blonde. It's an acronym. There are a lot of these out there. Especially the ones that from the back look cool, and you're like, hey maybe I'll pick up that hottie. Then she turns around and you're just straight outta luck son.
Guy 1: "That blonde over there looks awesome from behind - I'm trying to get a look at her face"

Guy 2: "Yeah man, hope she doesn't turn out to be a tub"

Guy 1: "Damn she turned around and she's totally a TUB!"
by unifer March 14, 2010
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Elaine: the mum with the extreme fondness of tupperware and who washes out take-away chinese tubs to keep even, though she already has a lifetime supply of tubs.

*EVERYTHING must go in a tub!*
"love you tubs!" instead of "love you mum!"
by Becky Lord April 12, 2008
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The act of drunkenly pooping in a cooler of beer
Dude, Andre just went tubbing, thats gross
by chunkyluver94 October 11, 2011
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One who is overweight, ugly, and requires a team of 16 CGI animators and professional photo editors three weeks of editing before a single final-production picture is deemed myspace worthy. Unfortunately, this picture looks nothing like the person in real life and gives the FTT a false sense of attractiveness.
"Look at that Fatty Tub Tub!"
by Malkirz November 24, 2006
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Damn, check out the junk in the trunk.

I could rest a tea tray on that TUBS.
by No, I'm the Original Sabs February 7, 2008
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A beard which has been shaved only on the chin and under the chin.
Rather than shaving his whole beard, he went with a tub.
by saturday night party October 14, 2007
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