1.London's most famous spot for people that would like to end their lives.

2. Where the four characters in the book A Long Way Down went to go commit suicide.
I'm so depressed that I'm thinking of takin a trip to the Toppers' House.
by The Girl You Know You Want January 4, 2010
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When a single feces-creating episode produces enough matter to peek some amount of poo out of the water of a toilet bowl.

Note some toilets run pretty shallow and a toilet topper does not carry as much heft in such cases.
I think that I'm gonna have a toilet topper today! I ate an unbelievable amount of beef last night.
by hotbucketoffarts June 21, 2020
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Now I'M proud to be the first to write a GOOD definition for Topper Headon.

Topper Headon was one of the best drummers of ALL TIME. Originally Nicky Headon, Topper was also nicknamed "The Human Drum Machine" because of his impeccable timing and skills.

Beat out "every other drummer in London" for the hotseat. He planned to originally stay with The Clash for just a while, but then he realized what a great band they were and stayed.

However, he got kicked out after "Combat Rock" (in which he wrote almost all of "Rock The Casbah") because of a heroin addiction.

He still remains a rock 'n roll and drumming LEGEND.
Topper Headon is my drumming hero.
by Lost in the supermarket March 20, 2006
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the freshly packed bowl of marijuana that will be given to the person in rotation that deserves or is in place to receive the first hit.
Andrew packs a green topper, yet gives it to Max, and says “You’ve had a rough day, looks like you need a green topper.”
by traumaqueen2000 June 14, 2022
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Ya ever hear of the time when Ronny lost his virginity? Nope? Here we go

Ronny was in highschool, a 16 year old virgin, the horny type.

Girls didn’t like him, but who could blame them, Ronny’s social skills were terrible, especially his flirting.

One time, he saw a girl he liked.. she was soo hot.. any straight man would have a shorty on the spot, but Ronny had other plans. He walked up to her, and said hi.

She responded, Heyy.

Ronny jizzed the jizz he had been saving up the past 17 days, his personal record.

Brutally shot it through his pants, up into her mouth and back out through her nose...

And that, my friends, is a Ronny Topper

Gf: Aww daddy, it was just a Ronny Topper!

Guy1: okay.. I’ll beat him up

by Ayyy Lmao... June 27, 2019
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A person who constantly feels obligated to follow a story you tell, with a worse one, making them sound like they've been through a much more terrible ordeal.
Susan: Today I slipped on the ice and cut my head open.
Tom: Yeah well, last night I slipped on the ice, broke two ribs, cracked my head open, AND my girlfriend broke up with me.
Susan: You're a story topper. It's lame.
by Failz0rz November 25, 2008
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