outback AIDS is a very serious affliction suffered by many people in and around Australia.

Also known as: Alcohol Induced Dizzy Spells
AIDS? I've had AIDS a bunch of times... had it last sunday. see, i get outback AIDS. Alcohol induced dizzy spells... *pause for laugh*
by iSK37CH December 14, 2010
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A large retaurant chain claiming to be "australian". The wait to get a table is long, because of all the fat old people, the steak is served raw and still partially frozen, and the servers r slow and have down syndrome. A great place to go to spend 100 dollars for shit and food poisoning.
"Hey george let's go to outback steakhouse!"

"Yum sally! I'm totally in the mood to wait in line for an hour and get exposed to mad cow disease"

"Yeah george! And I'm ready to eat overpriced frozen meat that has nothing to do with the australian outback!"
by chachaddict April 19, 2009
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When you're fucking doggie style and the girl places her own thumbs in her ass, her arms look like wings.
I was fucking her doggie style when she stuck her own thumbs in her ass. She was flapping around like an outback Flamingo
by Squidink550 July 20, 2017
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When you have a spill on QEW and one of the drag queen supervisors ask to take you out back yo smash. You reply with - completely understandable sir.

Cumdump number 1 thinks he a thought guy and watches the spiller leave his office that smells like shit( Kyle's breath after eating his dad's ass).
Sorry for the visual scent.
Cumdump 1 was so fukn excited for tryn to be a tough guy, went and got cumdump 2, 3 and 4 and all started the most powerful Dutch Rutter known 2 man. So much so, that we completely skipped a leap year.
But not knowing the Arrow gang was getting g ready to thump everyone of them on or off site ..... but OBVIOUSLY not till after we got done having a boxing/ ufc training session on kyles mom while she hung from the garage rafters.

Luckily we got our 15 session in that day and we're ready to thump.

So we waited outside the cumdumpsters building and them bitches stayed shook and didn't leave ther room till they were sure we went back 2 kyles moms place for a long ass training sessh.

Kuz not 1 these cumdumps gummy be taking g the arrow gang out back yo smash fukn faggoltts.
Cum dumpster a-dum biitch wanted to take me outback to smash....
Bro we the AG we ain't been to Australia and even if we did we be watching you dig ur own face with kyle amd scotts nails as shovels....

Yes you herd that right , we will rip ther fukn nails off and glue them to things. Bit not before or after having a training session with kyle mom....

Matter of fact when is the last time someone fed that thing.... o well gunna be a stinky sesh... she smelt like shit anyway
by The start June 26, 2022
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An outback laugh is that laugh you do when you are really uncomfortable with the conversation or situation at hand. Outback laughs usually result in an abnormal laugh as you look at your blank phone looking for an out
As soon as they started talking about his baby momma, she started an outback laugh
by itsalljustforfun April 4, 2011
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The day of August 22 is when you fulfill your craving for Outback Steakhouse
Today is Outback Day! Gonna go get some bomb ass wings.
by PNW Enthusiast August 23, 2021
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A kink involving getting testicles covered in sand while having sex out in the sunlight; or a fetish for having sex outside in bright weather.
Oi. Me and the mates are gonna' go outback beach balling if yer wanna join?
by TacoTeusday123 February 8, 2023
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