A person who always leaves buckshots, crapnal, or any kind of sign that something catastrophic had happened on the toilet (explosive shit). They are usually anonymous and strike unexpectedly with malicious intent (much like a bandit)
Holy fuck the buckshot bandit just exploded my toilet!!
by Asthmaurmom February 15, 2023
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Pete was finding crusty jizz on stuff for three days after his buckshot nut
by Paul S. W. November 7, 2006
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The action of a man taking a dump in a womans vagina and she queefs the feces out onto the mans face.
The man died due to her excessive alabama buckshot.
by MFgrape July 10, 2009
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The poo after having a very spicy curry the night before
Oh my god, that curry last night mafe me have such a spicy buckshot
by maccamaaate May 28, 2014
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When you say goodbye to a friend who is leaving on his bicycle, and when he isn't looking, you pull out a shotgun and stealthily shoot his rear wheel.
Person 1: On my way home i noticed that my rear wheel was empty. I also had several bullet holes in my back.
Person 2: Haha! The good Ol' Baghdad Buckshot.
by Escii_p August 7, 2018
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The same as a shart. A specific type of shart pattern resembling shotgun pellets in one's drawers.
My mom admonished me after finding buckshot stains in my underwear that were in the dirty clothes hamper.
by Flasteve57 October 29, 2023
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