The boys, a group of people who you trust with your life because you know they have your back when times are bad.
James and Finn are apart of the boys because we can trust them.
by banana_that_plays_siege October 11, 2020
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The bois are your homies the guys that will never quit on you. They are the best and you pick them over anyone.
Girlfriend: Hay you wanna hang babe.
Boyfriend: Hell no bitch today is for the bois.
by Kayman06 October 29, 2019
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A saying when said you have to do what was told. It brings out the inner primate in us. Often used by our ancestors as way to help young hunters on there hunt
Friend 1 : Yo, dude go ask out that girl over there.
Friend 2 : Are you crazy? She's way out my league.
Friend 1 : Dude do it, "For the boys"!
Friend 2 : Okay now I have to do it.
by Ranchitup1204 June 13, 2019
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The same as girls, just a misunderstood variant.
Boys can wear dresses, express ourselves, cry, and do whatever we want. We wanna be friends not enemies.
by Chalko3 January 9, 2021
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When you hear this word, know that it is a word of challange for dominance in a social circle. It is the initiation word for a bout of roasting.
Oh my, it seems as if Brian is about to roast a fool."
by Mr Jag July 12, 2016
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