Someone who does not continue a joke, either because of obstinacy or failure to understand, leaving the joke lying lifelessly on the ground like a dropped relay baton.
"Damn! I tried to joke with her, but she's totally a baton-dropper."
by JuniperTreeGrammarNazi August 8, 2013
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(V)Hot-Box Buh-taun: When one is on an elevator with a sole person, busts ass and immediately get off the next floor. AS the elevator picks up the next person, the "sole person" will be blamed.
I...err I mean this guy busted ass while I was in the elevator and got off at the next floor. I was deeply ashamed when a young hot blond entered the elevator two floors later. By doing this, he successful completed a hotbox baton.
by Willie Dueher October 30, 2006
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Giving a guy a hand job with a lot of lubricant.
The car was too small to fuck in so we bought some Astro Glide at the Walgreen's and Janice gave me a golden baton.
by creedmoor July 16, 2006
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rigid stick or prod for 'conducting' a "movement" (bowel , or "Lincoln Log") into and through a toilet! ie: a process of
minimization! (note: same as "defecation wand" , from the same "artiste" )
the whole world came out of my buttle (butt hole) i'm getting my defecation baton!

judy "cut" a Lincoln Log and had to chop it up with her defecation baton !
by michael foolsley January 3, 2022
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A soul-sucking town full of insular would-be hipsters that relish fresh meat for their tired old rumor-mill. Also, a city where pretty much everyone has fucked everyone else. Finally, a place to get the FUCK OUT OF.
Q: What do you think of Baton Rouge?

A: It fucking sucks. I hate it. Don't go there, ever.
by Outtaheresoon August 13, 2011
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The shithole of Louisiana. I don't recommend coming here for vacation or anything in general. This place gon make ur heart explode just a minute in.
Some guy: "Hey man where you goin?"

Other guy: "Baton Rouge, why?"

Some guy: "Dude don't go there your hearts gonna explode a minute in!!"
by Certified Bossier Boy November 17, 2022
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