it among other energy drinks is wht keeps me alive and makes me jump higher at track meets!!!
"fuck! i'm having a red bull crash!!.." "COACH!!! WE NEED TO STOP AND GET MORE RED BULL!!!"
by shelbs March 8, 2005
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Nectar of the frat boys, engineering and architecture students, and overworked hairdressers. Said to give you wings. Frankly? It tastes like liquid smarties, which isn't a good thing.
If Fred doesn't have his red bull, he won't be able to pass his business 101 class!
by mollydolly April 17, 2008
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An energy drink that comes in a small can and is in competition with some of the most popular brands. Its unique flavor makes up for its lack of size.
Person 1: hey what do you want to drink?

person 2: a red bull
by lyndon K March 9, 2008
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Red Bull is an extremely powerful energy drink, containing taurine and guarine. It's name, contrary to popular belief, is actually derived from famed basketball legend Michael Jordan. It is assumed that their slogan, "Red Bull gives you wings" is to be taken literally as Michael Jordan's (a.k.a. The AIR Man) hangtime was .92 seconds and gave the impression of flight. The name itself did not actually come from the legend, but from his legendary team, the Chicago Bulls. Naturally, the logo for the historic NBA franchise is a red bull, hence the name.
"Red Bull - how else do you think I won all those championships?" -23
by catch these men December 15, 2010
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A gross tasting energy drink that shrinks your testicles
"Red Bull gives you wings...And shrinks your testicles!"
by MrMojoRisn May 16, 2006
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what have ecstasy and red bull got in common?
they both give u wings
by D. Hine September 17, 2003
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